You are cordially invited to participate in your Regional Burning Man community by sharing your art or theme camp at Dustcovery 2024. Your contribution, no matter how big or small, will help create a vibrant and engaging environment to explore within the event, so bring your ideas and let’s build an unforgettable experience together!
If you wish to bring your art or theme camp please complete the form at the link below. With such a quick turnaround to pull the event together, we encourage you to apply ASAP, particularly if you are also applying for a grant (more on that below).
The PNE Forum has a huge indoor space, a very high ceiling with ample rigging (to hang art, lighting and aerial performance hardware) and a small fenced outdoor space. We have tons of room at this venue for you to dream big and bring your imagination to life! Note that amplified sound is not permitted outside after 10 pm.
Please remember that all participants, including producers, volunteers and artists, must buy their own tickets for the event (there are NO FREE tickets!). For ticket information, please visit
Apply for placement now at:
Art and Theme Camp submissions will be accepted until October 25th EXTENDED TO OCT 31st! Projects applying for a grant will be allowed an extra week to apply, until November 1st.
Applications for Art Grants are open until October 20th. Apply at:
If you have further questions please email
Thank you!
Tim & Eric
Placement Leads 2024